Oil Painting


From Life

166 north main street
elmira, ny 14901

Beginner for those just starting out and/or would like to restart or refresh their skills, no experience needed.

Weekly for 6 weeks

2 hrs. per class

5Minimum of 3 people, 4 people max

$250 (per person)

Beginner – Intermediate for those with some knowledge or experience with oil painting.

Weekly for 6 weeks

2 hrs. per class

Minimum of 3 people, 4 people max

$250 (per person)

Intermediate – Advanced for the more experienced oil painter.

Weekly for 6 weeks

2 hrs. per class

Minimum of 3 people, 4 people max

$250 (per person)

5 Weeks – 2.5 hours per week

Schedules are customized to meet your needs

Subjects are determined based on your development goals and skill level


the more you look, the more you see, the more you see the more you can paint, the more you paint the better you become


Skill level review may be required to determine where we start.

Supplies provided:

Supplies are provided, including paint, brushes, painting surfaces, easel and palette.

Supplies required:

Paper towels

Smock (apron)

Painting surfaces will be provided

Professional artist grade paints will be provided,

if needed.